Environmental Policy

We aim to minimise and offset our impact on the environment. We know our impact on the environment is negative; however, we intend to reverse this over time with improved sourcing, consumption and behaviour policies.


Carbon Offsetting &Tree Planting
We offset our estimated carbon dioxide output with Ecologi. As part of this, we are also engaged in an ongoing tree-planting commitment. 

Paper Products
We only source FSC accredited paper and card products wherever possible. We believe that products from properly managed forests help maintain levels of forestry and natural carbon capture.

Our electricity is 100% renewable. We have upgraded our facilities to use more energy efficient electric heating, which has reduced our gas consumption.

We are intentionally located in a city centre location to minimise the travel for our employees. We are in close proximity to public transport (bus and rail) and primary road links. Most employees live locally with short commutes.

Air travel accounts for around 90% of all business travel emissions. We are against air travel for business purposes (ie. for meetings). Wherever possible we will avoid air travel, opting for virtual participation, or if travel is necessary, public transport wherever possible.

Around 70% of our office waste is directly recycled. It is noted that we could better reduce waste that is not directly recycled. We are currently reviewing better suppliers for waste processing. As a largely digital business, our use of packing materials is almost zero.

Technology Purchasing
We actively pursue a policy of purchasing pre-used and refurbished technology. This reduces our capital costs whilst significantly extending the life of machines.


Cycle to Work Scheme
Review the viability of this and implement if possible.

Waste & Packaging
Reduce current levels of staff waste (packaging). Recycle more pre-waste.

Carbon Offsetting & Tree Planting
Increase levels of carbon offsetting to become a net-positive influence on carbon emissions and reforestation.

Constant Review of Energy and Supply Consumption
Where can we reduce our use of.. electricity, fuel, packaging, finite materials (including technology and associated precious elements)?


We plant trees with Ecologi


Last updated 19/6/2024